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St John's CofE Primary School

Nurturing potential within a Christian ethos

Reception Trip - College Lake

Reception Trip to College Lake

We have been doing Teddy Bears as our topic this term and the trip to College lake linked into this with the theme being Teddy Bears Picnic.

On Wednesday a letter was delivered to the Reception children from Edward Bear at College Lake. He told them to bring their own bears with them on the trip and he wanted them to find out about the code word SWAF!

The children came to school very excited about the trip and all with their bears. We arrived at college lake at 10am and went to leave our bears and picnics in special blue tubs.

We then went to the story barn for a story and to hear about the plan for the day.

We were split into two groups and all went on a sensory walk. The children got to smell lots of different leaves, had to find colours on the walk to match their broken bits of rainbow and even conduct the sounds they could hear in a nature concert!

It was then back for a biscuit and some raisins before taking part in a team activity where they got to learn what SWAF means! Shelter, Water, Air and Food! They dressed up as bears and trees and played some games which they loved and even got to see the large College Lake.

We went to find our lunch in the special blue tubs and found that they had all gone and only a note from Edward bear was left, telling the children that he had gone on an adventure with their bears and they had to follow the bear footsteps to find their bears and their lunches! The children loved this and at the end of the trail we found a lovely teddy bears picnic with picnic blankets and their bears all in the trees along with their lunches.

After lunch we went to the woodland theatre where they talked about their day and then went into the woods to build shelters for their bears!

Sadly, that was the end of the day but it really was a very happy day. The children loved it, were very well behaved and a really special time was had by us all. One of the children even got upset as he didn’t want to come home!
