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St John's CofE Primary School

Nurturing potential within a Christian ethos

Our Collective Worship

Collective Worship is a statutory requirement for all schools in England and Wales.  At St John's Church of England Primary School, Collective Worship is so much more than this.  It is a time where the school family meets together, learns together, reflects together, a time within which children and staff are given a time to be still, to engage and if they feel called, respond.  In addition, special church services are held for other important days in the church calendar such as well as Harvest and Remembrance.

Our Pattern of Worship







Whole School Worship linked to the Gospel value for the half term

Whole School Worship linked to either a British value or church celebration

Celebration and Awards assembly

Songs of Praise

Whole School Worship - Led by a member of clergy


Pupils Leading Worship 

At St John's Church of England Primary School children leading worship is a central part of what we do as a school.  The pupils have the following responsibilities:


During Collective Worship

After Collective Worship

Setting up

The children will:

  • Select music

  • Put out chairs

  • Prepare the worship table

  • The children will light a candle to call the school to worship.


The children will:

  • Say a welcoming sentence.

  • Organise school notices.

Clearing up 

The children will:

  • Hold doors open for those leaving.

  • Put away equipment and chairs.

  • Extinguaish candles.



The children will:

  • Greet the other children at door

  • Meet any visitors at main entrance (and help them to set up)


The children will:

  • Introduce a visitor or the storyteller

  • Take part in Drama activities or gather responses 

  • Support teachers with music, video clips and PowerPoint slides.


The children will:

  • Record a log book detailing what the school had learnt about in Collective Worship.

  • Ask the visitor or the person leading worship to sign the log book to say that it is a true representation of what they have learnt.


The children will:

  • Choose music and songs to be sung in worship that link to our theme.

  • Write their own prayers to share at the end of worship.


The children will have the opportunity to:

  • Ask and answer questions.

  • Read or saying prayers.

  • Leading actions or signing to songs.


The children will have the opportunity to:

  • Use the evaluation sheet

  • Work together to look at evaluations and plan the next steps for Collective Worship.

  • Share evaluation findings with Governors and school SLT.



The children will have the opportunity to:

  • Extinguish the candles.

  • Lead with a closing prayer



Our School Prayer

Introducing Reverend Tony Bundock

On behalf of all at St. Johns’ Church, I am pleased to affirm our active support for the work of our Parish School of St. John’s in all of the efforts that are made to achieve the school’s stated aim of enabling each and all of the children to fulfil their potential within the context of a caring and compassionate Christian ethos.  On a personal level, I do enjoy the school services in Church at the beginning and end of each term, and for major festivals, as well as other visits that groups of children make to the Church for a range of learning opportunities.

Together with clergy colleagues from the Risborough Team Ministry and the RAF High Wycombe base chaplaincy, I am also delighted to be involved in leading Friday morning worship in school for which the active participation of the children is warmly encouraged not least through the work of the children’s Collective Worship group. Both as the local Vicar and as a Governor of the school, I am also very glad to be involved in a range of other events and activities in the life of the school.


Rev. Canon Tony Bundock, Vicar of St. John’s Church.
