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St John's CofE Primary School

Nurturing potential within a Christian ethos


For branded items, our suppliers are Different Class Schoolwear, Unit 9 Wessex Industrial Estate, Bourne End, Bucks, SL8 5DT     Email:      Tel: 01628 531821

Different Class are open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm with extended hours during July-September

Placing an Order Online
Navigate to the St John's page school by clicking on the "Click Here To Find Your School" banner at the top of the Different Class website. Once you have found and selected the school, the uniform items will be shown.


Delivery in to School
You can opt in for this service and it will be listed as an option at checkout for a reduced delivery fee.  We will send the items home with your child or contact you directly to let you know that your items have arrived. 


The uniform listed below is intended to be both smart and economical and we would ask for your co-operation in seeing that your child comes to school in the appropriate clothing. All items brought into school must be clearly named.  Jewellery is not permitted. Pupils with pierced ears may wear plain ear studs but these must be removed for PE/games. Watches with small faces are permitted.  Additionally, our PA run a second hand uniform market, where branded items can be purchased for a small donation.  Please contact the school office if you wish to use this service.


For All Children

White shirt and a school tie

Grey pinafore dress / skirt

Grey trousers / shorts

School V neck sweatshirt or cardigan

White / grey socks or green / grey tights

Sensible black shoes

Summer dress — green check or stripe (This is optional and is worn in Autumn 1 or during the Summer Term)


Long hair must be tied back with green or black hair elastics or small scrunchy. Please save all fashion accessories for home.


Games and PE

School Green Polo Shirt

Black Shorts

Plimsolls for indoor

Plain trainers for outdoor

Plain dark colour or green tracksuit for outdoor games 

Dark Green Hoodie (This is an optional extra and is not mandated)


Art & Craft All children need an apron or overall with appropriate length sleeves for art and craft activities.


Personal Possessions The children are encouraged to look after and be responsible for all personal belongings. The school cannot accept any responsibility for the loss of any personal property.
