'Play must be the right of every child. Not a privilege. After all, when regarded as a privilege, it is granted to some and denied to others, creating further inequities. Play as a right is what is fair and just. Although children will engage in play differently, play is a child’s right' - Souto-Manning
At St John’s we offer an Early Years curriculum that is rich and memorable. We believe the early years enable children to build solid foundations for future learning. We believe all children should have a high level of self-worth and pride which we promote through our Christian Values, giving them the confidence to believe that their own opinions are important and valued in our school. In the early years, we promote independence and enable children to play, explore, be active in their own learning and create and think critically. We understand that play is an integral part of learning, and this is at the heart of our Early Years curriculum. Therefore, our curriculum is child centred following the interests of the children in the current year group. We are passionate about children leading and immersing themselves in their learning.
We will:
Staff are knowledgeable about the areas of learning they teach. They manage the EYFS curriculum in relation to the learning needs of their children. The teaching and learning of Phonics is presented clearly and communicated well to the children and ensure it engages with all types of learners as well as ensuring that the children practise their reading from books that match their phonic knowledge. All EYFS staff to read to the children in a way that excites and engages them, introducing new ideas, concepts and vocabulary. Staff present information in a way that is clear, prompting discussion about the subject matter being taught. They check understanding and identify misconceptions to improve learning and adapt their teaching where necessary. EYFS staff are knowledgeable about the teaching of early mathematics and ensure the mathematics curriculum provides a strong basis for complex learning later on. They promote and support every children’s emotional security and development, in particular the youngest members of the class. Staff promote the importance of healthy eating, drinking and exercise as well as being kind to each other, modelling the school's values.. The outside area provides an opportunity for children to develop physically, enabling children to learn to manage risks and challenges. We provide information for parents about their children’s progress to enable them to support the children’s home learning and further support the teaching of reading at home as well as other areas of the EYFS curriculum. The curriculum builds on what children know and can do and is ambitious for all pupils, regardless of need.
The EYFS staff consistently apply a great level of care and understanding towards the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND. We foster an inclusive approach to education and quickly identify special educational needs to ensure children promptly receive additional support, so they can progress well in their learning. Where and when appropriate, the environment and provision may be adapted to ensure that pupils with SEND can access all areas of the EYFS curriculum.
The impact of the Curriculum on what children know, can remember and do is the key to planning. Children demonstrate this through being deeply engaged and sustaining high levels of concentration. By the end of Early Years Foundation Stage, pupils will:
The overwhelming majority of pupils achieve the Early Learning Goals. Pupils with SEND or from disadvantaged backgrounds, also progess well and achieve the best possible outcomes.