Our Spirituality
As part of a broad and balanced curriculum, we promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils (SMSC) at the school and of society. At St John's we pride ourselves in nurturing the spirituality of everyone in the school community. All children have an inborn spirituality. However, if spirituality is not nurtured, it can wither. Spirituality is not the same as religious faith but it is the bedrock on which faith is founded.
Our definition of Spirituality
Sprituality is not something we can see; it is something we feel inside ourselves. It is about awe and wonder, asking questions, inspiration and being aware of something bigger outside of ourselves.
How we experience Spirituality at St John's
We experience spirituality through the philosophy of Windows, Mirrors, Doors and Candles.
The Window is how we see and value the world around us and appreciate its beauty. We develop an appreciation for the world around us. It is about giving time and opportunities to really observe things in greater detail.
The Mirror is the means by which we look at ourselves and reflect upon how we wish to behave. We think about ourselves and how we feel about the things we have observed.
The Door is the process that we find from Christian teachings which makes us want to make a difference to each other and the world and go out ‘via the door’ to make a contribution to society, both in school, at home, nationally and internationally. By opening the door we think about others and understand how they feel. We promote the idea that we can care enough to make courageous changes for the better.
The Candle is the time we give to look at the unanswered questions. It is where we reflect on what we have seen, felt and reflect upon the differences we can make and have made.