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St John's CofE Primary School

Nurturing potential within a Christian ethos

Physical Education

“Exercise and recreation are as necessary as reading.  I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.”  Thomas Jefferson 


“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” John F Kennedy 




Within our Christian ethos, we aim to nurture and inspire pupils to lead healthy and active lifestyles; improve emotional well-being, as well as promote positive behaviour. In addition, we look to develop key skills such as leadership, confidence, resilience, social and team building skills.  


Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop physical literacy and the fundamental knowledge, understanding and skills to excel in a wide range of physical activities, by providing a broad & balanced curriculum with opportunities for all.  


Our PE Curriculum, along with PSHE and Science, teaches children about the importance of healthy living and learning about the need for good nutrition.   We work closely with our local secondary school and School Games Organiser as well attend local community-based festivals and tournaments to provide children with well rounded, broad experiences.



The PE Curriculum is organised and sequenced so that children’s knowledge and skills are developed progressively both through units of lessons as well as year on year. Pupils participate in a minimum of two, one hourly high quality PE lessons a week with pupils in Key Stage 2 pupils also taking part in the daily mile. Swimming lessons are organised on a two-year rolling programme with Year 3 and 4 attending. We also provide opportunities for top up swimming on a yearly basis to ensure that pupils leave St John’s School as safe, competent swimmers.  Our PE programme incorporates a variety of sports to ensure all children develop the confidence, tolerance, and the appreciation of their own and others’ strengths and weaknesses. We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities before, during and after school, in addition to competitive sporting events. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also well-being.  


Our PE curriculum ensures that all pupils: 


  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities  

  • ensure that pupils are physically active for sustained periods of time 

  • engage in competitive sports and activities 

  • lead healthy and active lives both in and outside of school 




At St John’s, staff recognise that many children with SEND have talents in PE and enjoyment should be for all children.  PE can often be a way for children with SEND to forget their barriers to learning and enjoy participating in both individual and team activities.  There are opportunities for a wide range of PE activities, as follows: Gymnastics, Movement and Dance, Cross Country, football, netball, hockey, basketball, tag rugby, cricket, rounders, athletics, archery.   


While PE is vitally important for all pupils, we recognise that some children with SEND may find too many instructions or rules difficult to remember, they may need instructions broken down, they may benefit from more opportunities to practice individual skills or play in a small game with a partner.  Some children may take longer to process instructions, they may feel stressed if instructions are too complex or too fast.  They may need an individual check up to ensure they know what to do.  Some children, often those on the Autism Spectrum have particular challenges, not only can they find it difficult to grasp complex rules, but they may also find it difficult to grasp the concept of playing competitively as part of a team. They may find it difficult to manage a situation they believe is unfair or show little tolerance of others.  As a result, Team games can become very stressful situations for them, and they may need time out or require additional explanations and practise.  At St John’s, staff use their knowledge of their children along with observations or discussion during a lesson to try and ensure that all children are able to enjoy and benefit from an appropriate PE curriculum. 




At St. John’s, the PE curriculum will motivate children to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun. Our children will obtain the values and skills to celebrate and respect the success of others, as well as modestly celebrating their own successes. From our lessons, our children learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness, many of whom also enjoy the success of competitive sports. We equip our children with the necessary skills and a love for sport. They will grow up to live happy active and healthy lives utilising the life skills and knowledge acquired through PE.
